Friday, June 28, 2013


*********give-away is now closed

Baby Bee is finished. Ever since I saw this quilt, I have wanted to try circle quilting. I'm so happy with how it turned out    : )

I used my walking foot and the quilting guide attachment to do circles about 1" apart.

Baby Bee got pebbles around him so I didn't have to do tiny circles.

My quilt finished about 33" square. Perfect for a stroller or on the floor.

Now for the giveaway.........

As a hexagon fanatic, I was loving it when Moda came out with these hexie pre-cuts! Katja, the owner of Katjas Quilt Shoppe where I work, has kindly offered a Honeycomb charm pack of happy-go-lucky to one of you. She also designed the Hexagon Alphabet I have been working on this past year. Her button is on my side bar, so feel free to take a look if you like.

Just leave me a (one) comment on this post for a chance to win. I'll leave it open until next week.

Have you switched over to Bloglovin yet?

quilt stats:
33" square
fabrics are Happy go Lucky by Moda
Hand pieced (because I can't stop)
Machine quilted

linking up with finish it up friday


Anne said...

I love your quilt! I've been sewing lots of hexagons this month.

pinsandneedles said...

Your quilt is lovely! I really want to try circle quilting...just need to find the right project! Love the hexagon precuts! Thanks

Hilachas said...

Your hexie quilt is beautiful! What size are the hexies? I, too, love sewing hexagons and thank you for the opportunity to win the pre-cuts.

Joyce said...

I've been anxious to try the pre-cut hexies..the quilt is gorgeous!

Debi said...

Your bee quilt is so cute. I want to try circle quilting myself one day.

Debi said...

Your bee quilt is so cute. I want to try circle quilting myself one day.

doodlebugmom said...

Your quilt is adorable! I haven't tried hexies...yet!

Sewing Mom said...

I love the quilt...could you do a post and show us the foot you used? I'm very interested...wonder if it's something I would use!

Thank you also for the lovely giveaway!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Carla! That quilt became a beauty! I love hexies and the bee in the middle is perfect! Thank you so much for a lovely give away! x Teje

Amy said...

I love your hexagon quilt!and what a nice give away. I am so addicted to hexagons.

Deanna said...

Love the bee, so cute and the quilt is just perfect for your grand the giveaway, have never made hexie's, so need to start.

Gill said...

Gorgeous quilt - I love the quilting!

Celtic Thistle said...

Wonderful quilt Carla, I love everything about it!

Unknown said...

What a fun quilt! Makes me want to make one too

Barb said...

Love your quilt, Carla. The concentric quilting is perfect and highlights the beautiful bee.

Kathy@KayakQuilting said...

So, so cute! Hexies are on my list and this is inspirational! Love the quilting!

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt I am a bit of a hexie fanatic at the moment!

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt I am a bit of a hexie fanatic at the moment!

Penny from S.C. said...

I love hexies as well. I wondered how people got those circles so perfect. Looks great! Thanks

Gramma Quilter said...

Such a cute quilt! I love the circle quilting. sure sets it off nicely. Oh and a pack of hexies!!!! Thanks for the chance.

Four dogs and one quilter said...

Beautiful baby quilt and your quilting is great. Would love to try the pre-cut hexagons, thanks for the chance.

Diane H said...

Your wee bee is wonderful. Great job on the quilting. I've found you from Brandies ABC's blog and have signed up to follow you and am looking forward to it.

JoyceLM said...

Cute quilt - thanks for sharing & thanks for the giveaway.

Courtneysews said...

I love your bee quilt!!! Super cute! Thanks for the give-away!

Unknown said...

Lovely bee quilt. thanks for the great giveaway.

karen said...

Carla, this is adorable! Love your circles too, they turned out great! I need to try some hexies soon. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Love love love your Babe Bee and the quilting style is perfect!!

Emma's Daughter said...

I love your paper-pieced hexi-bee! Hexies are my next fun thing to try.

Heather D. said...

Super sweet. The circles quilting is perfect for this mini!

Nikita said...

I love the bee in the middle and the circular quilting.

helenjanei said...

I just love the baby quilt, so cute and so modern! :-)

Sarah said...

The circle quilting is fantastic - I love how it gives the illusion that the sides are a bit rounded where the circles touch the binding.

Birdena Fleming said...

Such a cute quilt. I really want to try this one.

Unknown said...

This is just beautiful. I love the bee and the circle quilting is fabulous.

Shauna said...

so so cute, love the bee in the middle. Thanks for the chance!!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That turned out really cute. I did circle quilting once, but it was hand quilted, not machine quilted.

barbara woods said...

i have been wanting to make those for a while, thanks for the chance

Dawn Hughes said...

Very sweet.... Let in bee...the circle quilting is amazing, great job!

Unknown said...

This is on my bucket list....Hexies...!!

Lindsay said...

I love the circle quilting! Yes, I have switched over to bloglovin' too. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sara said...

Such a cute little bee quilt and the quilting is sooo fun!

Nicky said...

Adorable! Beautiful hexies and fabulous quilting!

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Love your busy bee and hexys, thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Would love to win these! I have all the hexagons from BOM club at Katja's last year! It's in the to do file. Maybe one day!

Karen said...

I really like your quilt. Hexagons have become one of my new favourite projects. Where did you get your little bee pattern?


Nat at Made in Home said...

that quilt is gorgeous and the quilting is great! Well done you!

Deb said...

I love your quilt. That little bee is just adorable.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Entendo sua alegria de ver pronto hexágonos maravilhosos sempre são,eu os amo.Obrigada por oferta.

Heather A said...

What a sweet quilt! I'd love to try these hexie pre-cuts.

As for a feed reader, I've switched to Feedly and really like it. I even like it better than Google Reader. To tell you the truth, I had an issue with the name "Bloglovin" so I didn't even try it!

quiltmania said...

Love the circle quilting!

Lorraine B. said...

I am sometimes happy go lucky, so I like the name of the fabric a lot!!! AND, now that I am on holidays for the summer I most definitely feel happy go lucky today. I love the quilt Carla!!!

Lorraine B. said...

I am sometimes happy go lucky, so I like the name of the fabric a lot!!! AND, now that I am on holidays for the summer I most definitely feel happy go lucky today. I love the quilt Carla!!!

giddy99 said...

I love hexagons, too! I want to try some of the big hexies. Thanks for the chance

Gina said...

this quilt is so adorable and the quilting is perfect!! have a great weekend!!

April said...

Super cute bee quilt! I haven't tried circle quilting yet. I'm intrigued. :) Have a great weekend.

Sharon said...

Love your little bee! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I've been dying to try a hexagon quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I love the bee, hexies and the circle just sets it off. You should link up with Hexie Friday on my blog or Angie's....we love to look at hexies.

I'm already following you with bloglovin'

Susan said...

Those hexie precuts are so cute. I don't think I've seen them down under yet! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mama Pea said...

Yep. I've switched to bloglovin'. :-) I love your quilt. Good job on all of it! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway!

bee said...

love the bee in your quilt! i'd love to try the new precut honeycombs - they look so fun

cakegirl said...

fabulous quilt. Love the bee center. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Love your "Baby Bee" quilt!! Your wonderful imagination continues to amaze and delight me. Thanks for sharing everything with us.

Betty said...

Oh Carla... Once again you amaze me. Your quilt is finished already and so pretty! I'd like to try those per cuts...just might have to one of these days.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Your bee quilt is fabulous, Carla! I love the quilting too. Thanks for the giveaway -- it would be fun to try pre-cut hexagons!

Angie in SoCal said...

Darling quilt! I love how it turned out. I didn't know that Moda had come out with a hexagon pack. How cool is that! And thank you for linking to Hexie Friday. Thanks for the chance.

Caroline said...

Love your circle quilting! It highlights the bee hexie brilliantly! On a techie note, for some crazy reason bloglovin wouldn't let me leave a comment, wonder if it's my ipad, chrome on the ipad, or bloglovin launched in chrome on the ipad. . .hmmm

EmileeHope said...

I haven't tried sewing hexigons would love to give it a go! Love the quilting you did...I haven't done anything but straight-line so far on my machine!

Turid said...

I love precut hexies. What if I won? Thanks for the chance.

Sandy Smith said...

Love the work you do as usual a wonderful job. I also love the favorite items.

Katherine said...

Bee-ootifull! ;o)

Such a pretty layout and your quilting is the icing on the cake, Carla. Such a gorgeous mini!

Oh, thanks for the chance to win those hexies. I LOVE B&C fabric lines - always fresh and happy.

Leanne Parsons said...

Beautiful! I love the circle quilting.

Karen H said...

The bee in the middle is very sweet and the circle quilting is the perfect finish!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This is such an adorable quilt. I've been enjoying seeing it come together and the circle quilting finishes it all off perfectly :)

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

I just love your quilt! What a fabulous way to use the hexagons. It's just gorgeous!!

Heather said...

Adorable quilt. I love the little bee and the circle quilting is perfect. I have not yet seen the hexagon charm packs in the shops. Thanks for the chance!

Debbie said...

I have looked for these hex is love emm

CitricSugar said...

Gorgeous! Perfect quilting choice for that one. It turned out so smooth...

Debbie said...

LOVE your bee quilt! And what awesome quilting!!

Rachel said...

Love your bee quilt! I need to try that bee! I love circle quilting too!

Shauna said...

You quilt is cute! I have admired the circle quilting for a while and you did a fantastic job on yours. I love hexies too!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love your hexy quilt and the bee is really cute! It might be a perfect size for a floor mat or buggy but it's also perfect on your wall!!

Unknown said...

I would like to purchase this little quilt. Would you consider selling?

andri. said...

So cute! The bee has so many flowers to pick from!:)

Karyn said...

Carla, it looks fantastic. I love the centre bee and the circle quilting!

Karyn said...

Carla, it looks fantastic. I love the centre bee and the circle quilting!

Who-lee-uh said...

This quilt is great! I will be using it as an inspiration piece soon! Also, thank you and your boss very much for the chance to win a cute hexagon pack :)

Who-lee-uh said...

This quilt is great! I will be using it as an inspiration piece soon! Also, thank you and your boss very much for the chance to win a cute hexagon pack :)

jmj said...

too too cute, thanks for the giveaway,

Lisa said...

I am in love with that quilt, how beautiful. I would love to win your prize and I probably would make a quilt very similar to yours!

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

I <3 Amy's bee block! Brilliant job with it!

Kim said...

Carla it has been a treat following the stitching of your baby bee quilt. Now that it is finished it looks sublime! Love your beautiful circle quilting....amazing! My what a clever gal you are!

Terri in BC said...

I've been waiting for these Hexagons to come out! I'll have to check out the shop to what she has. thanks for the opportunity!

Mary said...

Your quilt is so fun!
I have been wanting that hexagon bundle, thanks for the chance to win.