Wednesday, October 14, 2015

WIP Wednesday

The last of the Thanksgiving leftovers have been eaten and it's time to get back at the sewing.

These will be the last of my blocks for the Humility group of do.good stitches, because I'm letting go of a couple of groups to allow more time for other sewing commitments.

Simple friendship star blocks

this star block for Mary in the Mid Century Modern group was fun to do. Her quilt will be amazing
I included some of our Canadian chocolate : )

and because baby is due the end of the month, I thought I had better get busy making more feather blocks.  Now I have three.

My brain is trying to come up with some kind of a setting for these.  I am thinking five blocks kind of floating ? .........

linking up with w.i.p. wednesday
scraptastic tuesday


Sandy said...

great blocks!! I love your feathers!!

Alison V. said...

Beautiful blocks! :)

Debora Exum said...

Love the feather blocks. Feathers are so calming. Can't wait to see how you decide to set them.

Tiffany said...

First of all, I LOVE that star block! Is there a tutorial?
Secondly, it was AWESOME having you as part of our do.good stitches group. You will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Your feathers are magical. I'm using them in a quilt too, and I love the free floating idea

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Your feathers are beautiful and I LOVE the star block. Is there a pattern for it anywhere?

Karen said...

very lovely...I've been having a hard time tearing myself away from sewing I am just loving all the projects I have on the go...

CosmopolitanQuilter said...

Love your feather blocks - definitely going on my "quilts to make next" list!

Soma @ said...

Beautiful blocks and colours! The mid century modern block is perfect!


Melody said...

Beautiful blocks. I am so in love with the star block.

Melanie said...

Lovely feathers! I have done one as well :)
They will look beautiful in every layout you come up with.

Visiting from WIP Wednesday

Susan said...

I love the idea of having your pretty feathers floating on a neutral background!

Kim said...

I love Mary's block and your feathers are gorgeous!! You will come up with something brilliant for those always do!!

the zen quilter said...

Well, whatever you do, it will be lovely. These are the first feather blocks I've seen that I might want to try to make - they are gorgeous.

Dawn Hughes said...

Love the feathers, Baby "F", will be surrounded by love. And whatever layout you do, it will look beautiful.
And you blocks look great, nice colours. Great seeing you today...and Thank You!

Dasha said...

Great makings, all of them, but I especially like the modern star. That is awesome.

Sandra Walker said...

Stars are and always have been always will be my favourite block. I LOVE this modern one with the long skinny rays! Is it your own design? Purdy's!! Love them, sold them to raise funds for our Quebec and France trips for several years. :-) Nice to meet you!

Granny Maud's Girl said...

Five feathers kind of floating in the way the feather does in the Forrest Gump movie? (It was a feather, right? Sometimes my memory is dodgy.)
Or a brightly coloured bird shedding them! :)
The block you made for Mary is amazing. I remember exclaiming wow a few times when I first saw it on Instagram.

grapes and hearts said...

I love all of your blocks! But perhaps I love the feathers best :) Great use of scraps!!!

Ann said...

I like Mary's star block and see some fabrics also in my stash. Fun!

Nicky said...

All lovely ! Lucky, clever Mary - what a fab idea for a quilt and it works so well with a scrappy look. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

Lorna McMahon said...

Oh my! Those stars are all sweet. Especially the block for Mary. Great fabric choices. And the feathers are so pretty, too. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with those.

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Those feathers are amazing. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be jealous of *all* the babies in your family ... they get the most beautiful presents!!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Love those feathers. And love the Instagram pics of the baby. He's a sweetie!!