Monday, November 7, 2016


I was eight.  My grade three school teacher taught me how to knit by making slippers.  Recently, I saw some very similar slippers posted on Instagram and had all the memories come flooding back.

I've been teaching beginner knitting at my shop and thought, ''wouldn't it be fun to teach others to knit making the same project I learned some 45 years ago'' ?  (  45!!!)

 So I cast on

I just love this yarn!  It's called Rhubarb by Lichen & Lace from Sackville, NB

This little slipped stitch edge adds just the right touch.  My next beginner class starts this Thursday and I'm looking forward to telling them all about how I started knitting on slippers almost exactly like this : )

Enjoy your week.  It's going to be a busy one!



Ariane said...

Too bad I live so far. These are adorable!!

Kim said...

Sweet slippers, Carla. Lovely wool. Have a fun week, lovely lady.

Granny Maud's Girl said...

That is a gorgeous colour, Carla!
I just started working one day a week in a fabric and yarn shop. The yarn is the most tempting. We even stock some lovely Canadian yarn!

Nancy said...

Yes, I remember knitting slippers like these. They were so simple even a beginner could knit them. Gorgeous colors!

Needled Mom said...

I LOVE that yarn.

Anonymous said...

Oh the memories came flooding back with your slippers! My mother made them for my sister and myself - we always had a new pair for Christmas! The yarn is lovely.
Won't you please pot your pattern for those of us who do not live nearby?

Donna~~ said...

I started knitting on slippers just like those too! (Only mine had a big pom pom on the top which I thought was very exciting--I think I was 10 years old)

Unknown said...

I love your slippers! How fun to revisit and honor good memories! I have a question for you. I used to knit several years ago, just basic things like scarves and slippers. I want to get back into knitting and really want to make a pair of socks. Do you have or can you make up a kit for something like that? If so I would be interested in purchasing it. Or if you can point me in the direction to find such a thing. I have looked briefly on the internet but have not found much.
Thanks so much.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Wish I could take your class!!!!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Those are a wonderful beginner project. I remember as a child being told to knit squares or starting hopelessly long projects like dresses and always getting bored and frogging. I could knit passably well for years before I ever finished a properly useable object!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Hubby's grandmother used to make us those. I still have a pair, and also the baby booties she made for my boys, when they were born.

Karen S said...

They look very warm. Great idea for beginners.

All Knit Up Designs said...

What a nice walk down memory lane for you! I'm glad that you found this pattern :)

Julie said...

those slippers look so cozy, so perfect for the chilly weather!! I've been wanting to try Lichen & Lace, their colours are stunning.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

That's a wonderful story and a great idea for a class Carla. The slippers look cozy too.

OPQuilt said...

I made slippers for my first knitting project, too, but they weren't this charming. I did wear them out, though. All that is to say that I love this little story and those slippers. Good for you for passing on the love of knitting to a new generation.
(And because you are busy, there is no need to answer this back.)
:) Elizabeth

quiltmania said...

Great idea for beginner knitters! I remember my Grandma making these slippers for us for Christmas.

Leanne Parsons said...

What a great way to honour your beginnings as you help others begin their own knitting journey! Your food to fiber event is a great idea.

Nita said...

That looks like the same pattern my nana used to make, except she did garter stitch up to the start of the toes, then stockinette for the last two inches. :) Thats the pattern I learned on, too. :) What fun to see it here! Just stumbled upon your blog this rainy Saturday morning, though I've been in your lovely shop a couple of times on trips to Kamloops.

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

These are adorable! I love stories like this... :)