Thursday, June 18, 2015


I sewed the last few seams together to finish the Hillside Houses quilt top.  Hubby held it up for me to snap a couple of pictures.   This was a really fun top to make, and I'm a fan of solids now for sure!

I used a few different yellows for the windows which makes it have more depth

Next month, I have an appointment with the quilter.  So looking forward to seeing what she does  : )

Just LOOK at this backing!  Houses no less.  It's called Shanty Town by Brandon Mably for Westminster Fibers.  I think that's what I will call this quilt when it's finished.

Have a lovely week end

linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday
let's bee social


Donna quilts said...

Love your quilt! And the backing is just perfect.

Lorna McMahon said...

um.... WOW! Your top looks fantastic. Love that all your windows are similar. And that backing?!!! You are going to have all of us scouring our local quilt shops and the entire internet in search of it. Looking forward to seeing your finish!

Lynda said...

I am not really a fan of the houses quilts showing up, but yours is the exception - I love the way you have melded the houses together. Great job and what a find for the backing - perfect!

Unknown said...

Amazing quilt, and that backing fabric is perfect! Can't wait to see how the quilter quilts it.

Sharon - IN said...

Wonderful top and super cool back!

liniecat said...

Yours is way too smartr to be a shanty town surely!
Middle Class Advancing certainly - really like your interpretation and yes the windows do lift it that bit more, clever thinking : )

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Carla! Oh, this is so beautiful! I think this is First quilt also for me that I shall be in love with solids! Come autumn soon so I can make this! Your House Fabric is fantastic and so perfect! x Teje

Jodi said...

Looks like a beautiful, friendly neighborhood to live in!

Afton Warrick said...

I can't imagine finding a more perfect backing.

Karen said...

I agree this quilt does make one love solids. Very cute....
P.s. I think you can now send a comment from here I finally learned how to attach my email I hope!😝

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Perfect backing for that quilt. What fun!

Linda said...

Love everything about your top and your back. It will be a fabulous quilt!

Lynne said...

I love how your quilt turned out! I kinda wished I'd made a big one instead of wall hanging size. And Oh that backing!!!!
By the way, I made the Quinoa salad and it was so good, perfect for barbecues and potlucks.

sherry said...

looks like the houses in "the battery" of St John's, Newfoundland…love it

Sue said...

I'm always a big fan of a house quilt and this one is a cracker! I've been downloading the pattern and I will definitely find a space for it on my to-do list.

Sue said...

I'm always a big fan of a house quilt and this one is a cracker! I've been downloading the pattern and I will definitely find a space for it on my to-do list.

Michele T said...

Wow!!! It looks awesome!!

Kevin the Quilter said...

THE perfect backing for a perfectly delightful city scape quilt!

Karen S said...

Your finished quilt top is wonderful. I love the end result. And the backing you have chosen is perfect.

dutchcomfort said...

Love your houses quilt! I‘m going to download the block patterns, because you never kno when I need to make another quilt...
I have a piece of that background fabric, it’s perfect as a backing!

SG said...

Beautiful top and perfect backing!

FlourishingPalms said...

It's really pretty, Carla! The depth you achieved, with the different values, makes this look like a real town. I was going to ask you how you thought to quilt it... but I guess that's someone else's problem! Ha. The backing fabric is perfect. Bet you had to look a long time to find that one!

Debbie said...

This is very fun! And what a perfect backing!

Anonymous said...

Just mgnificent, as usual! I have all of the patterns downloaded and ready and yours inspires me to get BUSY! I love your saturated solids - could you tell me what line you used?

Celtic Thistle said...

Fabulous Carla! I love house quilts and this is the best one that I have ever seen :)

Jayne said...

This is amazing! You nailed the perfect combination of color! The backing is going to be perfect, the quilting will be perfect, the houses are perfect! Gorgeous!

Needled Mom said...

It looks fantastic. The backing I selected for mine looks a lot like your. I love is perfect.

Ioleen said...

Perfect backing for a perfect top.

Cindy said...

Your Hilltop Houses quilt turned out great. I like the purple you added to yours. Mine is two blocks shy of being done. :) I'll be looking forward to seeing your post on how the quilting looks. I have no idea what to tell my quilter to do with will be stalking all the rest who have made the quilt! Oh and that backing is perfect. Might need to go surfing......! :)

NickiJ said...

Crikey that was quick! I just love, love your houses. Is the pattern for sale anywhere or is your own design?

suemac said...

I love your quilt and your raised bed full of great looking vegetables.

Betty said...

I love this quilt Carla... I'd love to try and make one, first I need to fall for the solids. I'm working on that:)
I'm sure "the quilter" will do a fine job as well. BEAUTIFUL...

Sophie Belle Designs said...

Carla your quilts just get more and more amazing and I loved them from the start. You are inspirational xxx

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I love the colours you have chosen. The yellow windows look to have light glowing within them. Your garden looks great too.

Katherine said...

Gorgeous! Such wonderful colours and so clever to vary the yellows, because they really do give more depth to the windows. Totally crushing on this quilt, Carla and you even have the PERFECT fabric for backing. Wow.

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Love love love your flimsy!! I absolutely can't wait to see it finished. I have and then I'm done! But no idea what I'll be doing for the backing. (I was thinking a text based print... but now I'm re-thinking!) YOURS is so gorgeous, it's inspiring! :)

Heidi Staples said...

So lovely! I like that you did this with all solids. It really works!

Katharine Yates said...

This is a fantastic quilt top! I love the mix of colors you've used, and that backing fabric is perfect. I'm sure this will turn out great.

Christine S said...

Love your finish. Mine is only half done still. I also found that fabric and thought it would be the perfect backing for this!

matkailijakirppu said...

Such a lovely quilt! I knitted a Houses sweater with Kaffe Fassett instructions, something similar to these houses. Now I feel like I need a quilt too... You're an inspiration! :)

Karen Ackva said...

Awesome! You quilt turned out just perfect...and you found the perfect matching background as well. I, too, am curious to see what you quilter has planned for this quilt! Just gorgeous!

Granny Maud's Girl said...

Could you have found a better backing fabric? I don't think so!
I wonder what the quilting will look like. It will stand out and be a feature on these solid fabrics.

gibbygoo56 said...

I adore it! This is a wonderful quilt and I love the backing fabric. Beautiful job and want to make this quilt! Soooo lovely!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

This is fabulous Carla!! Love the color choices. Did you use a pattern or make it up. Sorry if you've already posted elsewhere about this. I'm so very behind again in reading. As much as I love Kaffe Collective fabrics, the house print has never been a fav but now I see new possibilities. It's perfect for the backing.

Rene' said...

Gorgeous quilt top Carla! Your choice of solids really makes the quilt shine. That backing fabric couldn't be more perfect!

Lisa C said...

You did a great job. I have three seams and mine will be finished. I am using a Kaffe Fassett house print for my backing and it took the left side of the house up through the roof (so the roof is one color, not two), which made my fabric requirements be off a bit. Anyway, once it was on the floor all cut out (because I had to go stash diving for more colors), I couldn't figure out what to do with it other than just sew it all up. So I spent all weekend sewing the top up. Fastest top I've made in a while (in terms of days, not hours) but it's almost done and I have an appointment with the quilter next week. So glad I saw the qal and did it.

OPQuilt said...

Gorgeous, Carla! Your houses turned out wonderfully, and I'm going to tuck away that idea of using different yellows for when I start mine. . . which is of course, on that famous list of projects that we all keep in our minds. I also love that garden behind you--fabulous!!


Auntie Em said...

I love the way your Hillside Houses quilt has turned out! Very pretty color choices. I am just in the planning stages to start one for myself. I think choosing the fabrics is half the fun.