Tuesday, August 14, 2012


This week I am finishing up my quilt for the September Moda club. I'm just going to give you a little peek at it all crumpled up.  I have to have SOME surprises at the first meeting  : )

Also, this is week 33 hexagon

Short and sweet today. 
Happy stitching.


Debbie said...

Your new quilt looks lovely!

Deborah said...

Love your blog title!! Looking forward to seeing your quilt.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love your latest hexagon and can't wait to see more of your new quilt!

Kelly said...

Oh it looks very pretty and that blog title is inspired!

**nicke... said...

i LOVE the title! so funny!

Geta Grama said...

Hi carla,

I enjoyed looking at your different hexy projects. So many variations, so many beautiful fabrics! If we could buy some time!

Shontelle said...

Mmm, intriguing.

vintage grey said...

can't wait to see it! love the colors! ox Heather

Diane-crewe said...

looks interesting xx

Gramma Quilter said...

Is it time to think about Moda club already! yikes! Cant wait to see!

Fabraholic said...

Lovely colours; can't wait to see it all1