Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hockey is finally back on. I do some of my best sewing while yelling at the T.V  : )  Hockey games are usually when I work on my hexies and I have missed them.  I am nearly finished piecing the 52 blocks from Katja's hexathon last year.  I think I've decided on a layout for them .

I sewed 7 together to create one big hexagon. I do like the way they look on this navy background, but am not 100% sure.

They now measure about 15 1/2" across

I will have 52  3" hexagons. Divided by 7 means I get 7 blocks with a few left over. If I make a few more, I get 8 blocks. Not sure I can set 7 OR 8 blocks into a quilt top.
Back to the drawing board.

The letter E for my hexi-bet quilt.

There is a game tonight, so you know what I'll be doing.
Enjoy your week.

linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday


CitricSugar said...

Oh, Carla - you are a woman after my own heart! I predict lots of yelling at the tv tonight, too, but I'm not sure if they're showing my game or not but I've been watching everybody - as long as there's a game on!

Beautiful hexes.

Heather D. said...

Holy moley, look at those fancy hexagons! I've never seen anything like those. Are you a fellow Canucks fan?? (I know Carly, the above commenter, is not....hehehe)

Kelly said...

Gorgeous hexies!

Brandie said...

I love that idea for the layout! They look great that way. May I copy you?

Sarah said...

Your hexies look great and it was fun to see again what I'll be making :)

Nikadamaja said...

They look really gorgeous on that background.

Emily said...

Your hexagons are amazing!

quiltmania said...

They look stunning on the blue!

Leslie said...

oh my gosh! those look amazing!!!
ha ha on the yelling!

Heidi Staples said...

You're hexagons are so gorgeous, Carla -- love them! We're a hockey house too here, so I know how that goes! :)

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

I love your hexies, Carla! Happy hockey season :)

Rene' said...

This cracked me up! I do the same thing but with football....which is almost over unfortunately. Great hexagons!

Caroline said...

The hexies are gorgeous! Oh, I miss hockey, especially hockey night in Canada - still have the old theme song as my cell phone's ring tone ;). Have my fingers crossed that San Diego may one day get a team. . .one can always dream, eh? Go Leafs! Stop snickering, yes, I am a Leafs fan ;) are there many of us left anymore?

Emma said...

I love the hexies.

Nicole said...

Wow, Carla! Your hexagons are impressive! Happy hockey watching!

Cathy said...

So lovely!

Gramma Quilter said...

wow so amazing!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your hexies! Great colors!

Jan said...

A Maple Leaf Fan? Oh well, love your hexies in spite of it!

Go Pens!


Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

These are gorgeous - I love that colour range :)

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

Wow! Your hexathons are amazing!

Celtic Thistle said...

Love your hexagons Carla, know what you mean about the blue too.

Hope your team were victorious!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love all your hexies!!

Catherine said...

They look absolutely stunning against the navy

Mary Marcotte said...

I really like that navy for a background, Carla. It really make the hexies stand out. Enjoy the game and the quilting.

Marsha Cooper said...

OMG! Did you put together all those pieces into the hexagons? I can't even imagine.
I have 2 boxes of hexagons in 2 sizes and I'm trying to figure out how to do them. Hexagons are not something I've learned how to use yet.

Nat at Made in Home said...

Those hexies are amazing!! Hope you enjoyed the game!

Beth said...

Those hexagons are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I love the way the Hexies look on that navy. Good luck with a layout, it all looks amazing from here!!!