Wednesday, April 24, 2013


******give-away now closed

 The other day while writing a blog post, I noticed that this little blog has reached over 100,00 page views.  Imagine!
I think that is cause to celebrate, so I decided a give-away was in order.  This is just to say thanks to all of you who stop by.

Just leave one comment on this post for a chance to win this book 'Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe.'

Hubby and I are unplugging for a few days, so I will choose a winner when we get back.


giddy99 said...

I love unplugging! Have a good time!

jmj said...

relax and rest and thank-you for the giveaway, looks like a great book!

Jocelyn said...

Enjoy your R&R. The book looks great!

Sewing Mom said...

Awe, that's so sweet. I keep seeing this book in giveaways and entering...maybe I'll win this time. =) Thanks for being so generous with us!

Claire said...

Have fun 'unplugging' for a few days and congratulations on so many page views! Thanks for the chance to win.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Have a great "unplugged" time!

Nancy said...

Congratulations, Carla. Enjoy your getaway. Thank you for offering the book. You are so generous!

Belanix said...

Hi! congratulations for the success of your blog and enjoy your vacations!!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

i don't sew and always wished i did... maybe this will be my inspiration! looks like a very inspiring book! :) enjoy your unplugged days!

Lynn M said...

thanks for the chance!

The Cozy Pumpkin said...

Enjoy unplugging! We did that a couple of weeks ago and it was so enjoyable. :) And thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

The Cozy Pumpkin said...

Enjoy unplugging! We did that a couple of weeks ago and it was so enjoyable. :) And thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

karen said...

Enjoy your unplugged time!! Congrats on your page views, I'm not surprised as there is always inspiration to find here!!

Delores said...

Love to win this book - it looks great!
Enjoy your time away.

Adrienne said...

Enjoy your time. Thank you for the giveaway!

Rina Mason said...

Congratulations on reaching the milestone! Enjoy your vacation and thanks for the giveaway.

Monica said...

Congrats! Have a great time unplugging with your hubs.

Monica said...

Congrats! Have a great time unplugging with your hubs.

Cheryl said...

Congrats and have a great unplugged time!

Anne said...

Ooh, I've got my eye on this book! Enjoy your break.

Diana said...

Enjoy the unplugged time. The book looks great!

Vicki said...

Love the quilt under the book!! I am really enjoying the "modern" quilts I have been seeing. Have a great "unplugged" time!!

Susan said...

Enjoy your break! Of course, I'd love a copy of this book- not even sure whether it has reached our shores yet!

Anne said...

This book looks like a lot of fun, would love to have a copy. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Have a nice and quiet unplugged time. :)

quiltmania said...

So many views! Congratulations.

Heidi Staples said...

Well earned, well deserved numbers there, Carla! I always enjoy stopping by to see what you're up to. Enjoy your break!!

Jodi said...

Plug back in soon or we'll miss you! Thanks for the chance, and congrats!

Mama Said Sew said...

Wow, that's a huge number! Congratulations!! Enjoy your time away.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time Carla and thank you for a lovely give away! x Teje

StasaLynn said...

Congrats on 100000 views! That is awesome. Thanks for sharing your celebration with us too.

Enjoy your time away from all of the techie stuff.....

See you when you are refreshed!

Annika said...

Congratulations! And thanks for the opportunity to win.

Karen said...

Congratulations! Love your quilts.

Catskill Quilter said...

Congrats on all those page views -- astonishing! Enjoy your R&R!

*Cornelia* said...

wow congratulations, and have a great time

Deb said...

Enjoy your break. Loved the "quilt show" in the previous posts.

Nat at Made in Home said...

Congrats! Thanks for the chance of getting the book, and enjoy unplugging!

Gill said...

Hope you're having a great time!
Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!

Celtic Thistle said...

Congratulations on another milestone Carla. This book has been on my wishlist for a while!

Have a great time away too.

Kathy@KayakQuilting said...

Congrats on your blog! And your time away from it....very important!!!

JoyceLM said...

Congrats & have a great unplugged getaway. Thanks.

Mama Pea said...

Don't enter me in the giveaway, because I already own the book. :-) But happy unplugging and congrats!

Unknown said...

I just started quilting again after a 20 year hiatus. Your blog has inspired me. Enjoy your time away!

Annabella said...

Happy unplugging Carla - what a great idea! Fab giveaway - thanks for the chance to win this book :)

B Greene said...

What a great blogging milestone - congratulations!

Marie said...

Hi, Carla, I have enjoyed your blog a lot, so keep up the good work.
I would love to win this new book, have wanted to try some more modern looking quilts.
I hope you have a good time with your DH.

Ladyquiltsalot said...

Congrats on the success of your blog, you inspire me so I am sure you have inspired the other 99,999 people too!!
Unplugged is a great idea! Enjoy!

Heather B said...

Enjoy your unplugged time! Thanks for the chance to win this book! It's been on my wish list!

Jessica Pyykkonen said...

Congrats on the views! Wow! Thanks for the giveaway.

Lisa said...

I love unplugged time. I am finishing a massive week of cake and cookie orders and I said "NO MORE...for two weeks" It's time to SEW!

pinsandneedles said...

Congratulations! Enjoy your time away and Thanks for the giveaway!

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations on reaching such a great milestone.

Carla said...

Congratulations. That is a great accomplishment. Enjoy your break!

Sarah said...

I'm unplugging for a week myself. Enjoy your time off and thanks for a chance to win!

sheila said...

Have a great time off, enjoy :-)

sheila said...

Have a great time off, enjoy :-)

Anonymous said...


Live a Colorful Life said...

That is such a pretty picture. (Don't enter me in the giveaway--I just wanted to stop by and say congrats--I LOVE reading your blog). Enjoy your unplugged days.

Quilts, Cakes and Other Fun said...

Congatulations, thanks for all the bloggen!

Barb said...

Your blog is one of my favourites. thanks for showing off your quilts.

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

Enjoy the vacation! Thank-you so much for offering this give-away!

Tiffany said...

Yay for all the views! Have fun being unplugged! :D

Lynne said...

There is space on my bookshelf for that book!! Enjoy the downtime : )

Carrie P. said...

congrats! enjoy your vacation. thanks for a chance for the book.

Jan Baker said...

My two sisters and I quilt together on Saturdays. My younger sister and I love the modern quilts but my older sister is more traditional. Would love to win this for Terri and I.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the 100,000 blog views - that IS truly something to celebrate. Have a great "uplugged" time with yer dear hubby! Thank you for allowing us to enter such a generous giveaway too! Wow!!!!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Congrats on the blog views. I'm still working on building mine. Hope you're off having fun.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Ahhh to be able to unplug! That sounds lovely, enjoy!
This book would be a great way for me to plug into the modern side of quilting. Thank you for the chance :)

Cathy said...

So much fun!

Mary Marcotte said...

1. Enjoy the vacation. 2. Congrats on the blog landmark. And 3. thanks for the generous giveaway. You're such a sweety! I've seen a few reviews and this book is on my must-read list. (Hint, hint)

Lorraine B. said...

Happy unplugging...requires no thinking just enjoying life as it comes!
Lorraine B

Lorraine B. said...

Happy unplugging...requires no thinking just enjoying life as it comes!
Lorraine B

sasseym said...

congrats on your blog.. I enjoy it.. hope I win

sasseym said...

congrats on your blog.. I enjoy it.. hope I win

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

100,000? Wow - congratulations! Unplugging sounds like a good idea...

Lakegaldonna said...

Hope you have a great unplugged mini vacation.
I check your blog a few times a week and enjoy it.

Enter me in the giveaway please!

Lakegaldonna said...

Hope you have a great unplugged mini vacation.
I check your blog a few times a week and enjoy it.

Enter me in the giveaway please!

Edith said...

Carla, I enjoy your blog and would love to win a copy of 'Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe' - your neighbor from Calgary, Edith

Courtneysews said...

Would love to win this book! Thanks and congrats!

Emily said...

Congrats on your well earned popularity :) Thanks for the chance to win an awesome book!

Heather A said...

Happy travels and yes, I would LOVE to win this book!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Congrats on all those visitors :)

Unknown said...

Wow! What a milestone! And what a fun giveaway!

Love seeing all the quilts you make.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Congrats on the milestone. Have a great break xxx

Barb and Sharon said...

Carla I had a look at your trunk show and the quilts are beautiful. What a range in colours and styles. You should be very proud of your work.

Deb said...

Hi enjoy reading your blog.

Shauna said...

Enjoy your time unplugged - we all need to do that from time to time! Thanks for the chance to win a nifty book in lieu of your many page views.