Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Hubby and I escaped for a few days and went to the world famous Whistler Village. I can't believe this is only 4 hours from us and this was our first time here. It was our 27th anniversary, so we treated ourselves. The Winter Olympics were here a while back. It's truly a gorgeous setting.

The village has everything a person could want as far as shopping goes (except a quilt shop)

It was 29 degrees or 85 F. but there was still snow up top.

I still can't believe I let hubby talk me into doing the Peak to Peak in the cable car. Having never flown, I figure this is close...........

Coming back down on the chair lift was so beautiful!  The view was amazing  : )

I did manage a bit of stitching. I got two of my hexi-numbers done.

these will look better when the basting stitches are out

A holiday wouldn't be complete without stopping at a quilt shop. I have two "beach house" quilts to make for a guest house. The furniture is painted bright turquoise so I think these could work. The majority will be scraps.

Happy stitching to you!


Gina said...

Pretty pictures!! My husband went to Whistler quite a few years ago on a ski trip so I haven't seen it without snow; it is so pretty!! I LOVE your number hexies and the colors for your beach houses.

Gina said...

Pretty pictures!! My husband went to Whistler quite a few years ago on a ski trip so I haven't seen it without snow; it is so pretty!! I LOVE your number hexies and the colors for your beach houses.

Nat at Made in Home said...

Whistler looks like I imagined. I am a bit of a skiing fan, so would loved to go. Great fabric, and the hexies are so cute!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

how brave of you yo do the cable cars,I'm fine flying but am far more worr ied on them!!! when are you going to start putting the hexies together?

Susan said...

I have always wanted to go to Whistler! It looks like its beautiful, no matter not what season! Good for you for tacking the cable car! Happy Anniversary! (BTW I cannot comment on your blog via Blog Lovin'- it might be worth checking your settings.)

ipatchandquilt said...

Whistler is lovely! I had never heard of it. Looks like a lot of fun.
Your hexies are amazing!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

Sewing Mom said...

Everything looks lovely! and your new buys are beautiful too. Hope you're enjoying the summer!

Cathy said...

OOOO Whistler would be even more perfect with a quilt shop! Happy anniversary. Lovely fabric and lovely hexies!

mle said...

Happy anniversary! It looks amazing!

mle said...

Happy anniversary! It looks amazing!

OPQuilt said...

Happy Anniversary!
We did an anniversary once in a lovely bed and breakfast in Whistler. We felt like we were back in Austria (where we went on our honeymoon) because so much of Whistler feels like you are in an Alpine town. Those cable cars look so dramatic!

It was fun to read over your comments and to see how many people had been to Whistler--I had no idea!

Loved all the fabric--you have such good color sense in all your quilts, it will be lovely to see these.

Elizabeth E.

Lynne said...

Beautiful pictures of Whistler, would love a trip there someday! Also love that pile of fabric at the end of the post.

Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Your hexagons are beautiful! I have to say that peak-to-peak crossing looks kinds scary...

Nicole said...

The views are amazing! Looks like you had a great time!

vintage grey said...

Beautiful!! Happy Anniversary! Glad you had such a wonderful time celebrating!! Happy sewing and weekend! xo Heather

Caroline said...

Great shots of Whistler, my last visit was before the Olympics, still as beautiful as ever! Looks like you had a wonderful time - getting excited to see those hexies put together :)

Teresa in Music City said...

I love riding in cable cars!!! We always ride when we go to Natural Bridge in Kentucky :*) Your fabrics will be amazing with turquoise - yum!!!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Happy anniversary, Carla! You seem to have had great trip! Fantastic views! Your fabrics are so beautiful and I have been thinking that Camping - perhaps I should buy a charm pack. Always happy to see your hexies! x Teje

Carrie P. said...

Happy Belated Anniversary!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Happy belated anniversary. Whistler is beautiful!