Wednesday, January 22, 2014


99 cute little blocks,

If one of those blocks should happen to fall,

98 cute little blocks on the waaaaaall.

I apologize in advance if that song gets stuck in your head today  : )

I think this is the random arrangement I'm going with. These have been so fun I almost hate to quit making them

linking up with Quilt Story


Pam said...

love this ...xo

Heather D. said...

haha, so cute! I really like the random placement.

mle said...

Those are great! such small little blocks, I don't know that I could make so many. They make such a gorgeous quilt though!

Lucy | Charm About You said...


Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

So adorable!!

Megan said...

It looks like an exercise in patience to me - but worth it - your blocks look lovely.

Brandie said...

Toot Sweet! They really are too cute!

Karyn said...

Pretty. They look so crisp.

Fran said...

They really are fabulous, you have such a great collection of centre pieces!

Alanna said...

Beautiful! Lovely work. There's something about lots of sweet small blocks together that I love.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

They look marvellous!

Unknown said...

Really great job! I love your color placement. I really want to make one of these quilts, just have so many things in progress right now it's nor even funny. So I will just adore all the pics online for now.

Glinda ♥ said...

Brilliant, reminds me when DH and I sang '99 bottles of beer on the wall' on a walk home one night :)
Love your blocks - looks like they came together very quickly.

Kim said...

What a fun post, Carla!! If one pretty block should accidentally fall (and is lost).....then I'm guessing that you will quickly whip up another delightful block!! 'Tis a stunning arrrangement!! Love it!!

Gina said...


Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

So cute!

Donna quilts said...

Oh my goodness - you have been busy! They're adorable!

Sheri said...

I love it!!!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Very clever post. And yes I counted your rows. hehe. It would be a great name for the quilt.

Lorna McMahon said...

Very sweet blocks. I can understand why it would be hard to stop making them. They are so pretty!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Better blocks than beer. Cute!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

They look wonderful! Lots of clever fussy cutting too.

vintage grey said...

Love them all!! xo Heather

Pokey said...

Sew cute!

Carla said...

I like your version!

Hilachas said...

Another lovely quilt!

Cathy said...

Oh I am in love!!!!!

dutchcomfort said...

That is looking totally awesome!

Louise B said...

I too am in love!

Sewing Mom said...

It's beautiful, love it!

Granny Maud's Girl said...

Your super-cute blocks and fun song are now competing for humming space with super-cute stuffed rabbits and a fun version of 'Everybody loves somebody'. Both made me smile. Thank you. (If you are curious and love soft toys, check this out:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carla! This looks amazing! I really love your design! Ggrrr I don't have time to start new quilt, but I would love to make this! x Teje

Lindsay said...

WOW! These are super cute! I love the arrangement, too. I always find that to be the hardest part of a scrappy quilt.

Natasha said...

Oh my what a great quilt! I could look at it for hours!!

Tiffany said...

:) Cute post. You finished so many!
98 cute little blocks on the wall...

Carrie P. said...

they are very cute indeed!

FlourishingPalms said...

Isn't there another song about "take one down and pass it around"? I'd be tickled to get a couple blocks for myself that way! Ha! Your quilt top looks really good, and I'm most impressed with how quickly you made it. Did you use up all four bins of scraps?

Gramma Quilter said...

Fabulous! No two alike i'll bet. Are you keeping this one?

Debbie said...

I admire you for getting this far - they are darling!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Also on my list of things I want to do. I keep changing my mind about exactly HOW I want to make my economy blocks, colors, etc. I think I finally figured it out. Your blocks are most fabulous!

tabbiegirl said...

Love it - it's adorable! I'm a little jealous, though...I've only made three blocks so far!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I might need to do this for my next iSpy quilt!

Lynne said...

Girl you have a lot of scraps. I love how it turned out!

Andy said...

These are so fun!

nettie said...

love this! makes me want to go work on mine right now!