Monday, February 3, 2014


Back in November, it was my turn to ask for blocks from the ladies in the Bee Purposeful group. I have always liked a quilt I saw over at Film in the Fridge so I asked them to send me flying geese blocks.

The other day after I got the last of the blocks in the mail, I layed them all out on my floor and arranged them this way and that.

When I first had them arranged, I thought the quilt was very yellow. I know that a little yellow goes a long way in a quilt so I was a bit worried. Now when I look at it, I see plum!

All of these blocks came to me from the States except for the five that I made. After a bit of quilting these geese will be flying back home to Corey where she will use it to help raise funds for her Church's mission work   : )

Have a great day!


Brenda said...

looks great! Inspires me to do a flying geese quilt too.

Jodi said...

Beautiful quilt! I remember Ashley's from FITFridge and making a note myself that I want to make one. I think the colors in yours work very well together. I would not want to part with that quilt - very generous of you!

Nicky said...

I see a great balance of colours! Hope it raises lots of money

Fran said...

Fabulous quilt, love the colours, and what a great backdrop!

Kelly said...

I love this quilt and hope it makes a lot of money for the cause :)

Wendy said...

When I look at it, I see snow! Oh, will it ever go away? But your quilt looks marvelous - and hot! It warms me up and makes me smile just looking at it.

Lisa said...


Lynne said...

Beautiful colors!

Deborah said...

This is a stunning quilt! Definitely giving me some ideas for our MCM bee. I love quilts with a cause.....

Karyn said...

Look at all that snow! Great setting for a colourful quilt.

Gina said...

gorgeous colors and layout Carla!

wendyroomcreations said...

In my mind's eye a quilt just made up of flying geese blocks sounds as if it would be too busy but when I look at you quilt I see I am wrong. It looks lovely and they all work so well together. Simply divine. Philippa xx

mle said...

So lovely! I think the colors are nicely balanced. Plum is one of my favorite colors.

Jackie's Stitches said...

It's a beautiful quilt! Funny you saw a lot of yellow until you looked at the pics. I saw the red and purples as predominant. Then again, those are colors that I really love!

Diane-crewe said...

OH WOW ! I love it xx

Susan said...

I love both the flying geese block and the wonderful colours in this quilt! It's a great quilt!

Teje Karjalainen said...

This is so beautiful, Carla! I have also wanted to make geese quilt for a long time. Your arrangement is perfect and all the colours make this quilt fantastic! x Teje

Heather D. said...

I just love the look of this Carla. Wish I didn't despise making flying geese so much!! Maybe I just need more practice.....I just can never get them to turn out nice and square.

Cindy Sharp said...

That top makes even the snow look warm. Well done.

Kim said...

Whichever way you play with these blocks, Carla, they all come up trumps!! They certainly add a vibrant spash of colour in your wintry landscape!!

Kevin the Quilter said...

OK, so, I screamed out loud a little when I saw this quilt! I LOVE it! So colorful, and using one of my favorite block units! May I ask which size your goose unit is?

quiltmania said...

It is so bright and cheerful!

Carla said...

What a fabulous quilt. Just beautiful.

Caroline said...

Wow! This quilt proves how truly wonderful quilt bees are, never in a million years would I have chosen and mingled those fabrics, but it really sings, great placement!

Celtic Thistle said...

Gorgeous quilt Carla your Bee mates really did you proud.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

it's gorgeous, Carla!

Donna quilts said...

Love the colors! So bright and cheerful.

gillyflower said...

The quilt is gorgeous Carla! I love the design, and the colours are so harmonious and bright, perfect for a grey winter's day!
Gill xx

Catherine said...

What a fabulous quilt Carla

Natasha said...

I am blown away at how beautiful all those blocks are. I love the arrangement as well.

Anita said...

Love how your quilt turned out!

Shauna said...

What a fun quilt!

Carla said...

It's the perfect amount of yellow...and every other color! I adore this .....another winner, Carla!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What a fun quilt!

Barb said...

It's stunning, Carla! Love the mix of fabrics. Just the perfect amount of yellow.

Little Island Quilting said...

Fabulous with a capital F!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...


Nat at Made in Home said...

So colourful!

Jill said...

Awesome quilt. I would have never put those prints together myself and yet it is wonderfully striking. I now want to make one. A charity quilt makes it extra special.

Jill said...

Awesome quilt. I would have never put those prints together myself and yet it is wonderfully striking. I now want to make one. A charity quilt makes it extra special.

Rene' said...

This is such a beautiful quilt! I love the bright colors.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This is stunning :)

dutchcomfort said...

W.O.W., that quilt looks fantabulous! What a great idea to ask for flying geese blocks for a Bee quilt!

FlourishingPalms said...

Such a lovely quilt top, Carla! I'm a sucker for flying geese, and these are effective... and different. Seems that most often I've seen them in threesies. Foursies is very refreshing. And how noble and generous of you to give this away. I know it will be loved.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love your flying geese quilt. I was wondering if you could tell me the size of the flying geese block? I want to make a quilt like this!! We live on a pond and have many geese. This block is special to me! I appreciate any help you can give me. Sincerely!

Carla said...

Hi Linda Frankiewicz. You have no e-mail on your profile page so I couldn't reply to you. Hope you see this. The geese units finish 3" x 6". I put 4 together in a row.
Have fun making yours : )

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am very new at commenting on blogs. Sorry about no email listed. I LOVE your quilt. I appreciate you getting back to me with the sizes. Happy quilting!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am very new at commenting on blogs. Sorry about no email listed. I LOVE your quilt. I appreciate you getting back to me with the sizes. Happy quilting!!