Friday, April 4, 2014


People often ask what the best part of being a Grandma is. I'm not sure I could narrow it down to just one thing but this I do know-----it's FUN!

Miss J has a birthday coming up and I wanted to make her a summer dress.  I picked this fabric up ages ago, and finally set to it the other day.

It turned out ok ( if we don't talk about the zipper ) and works well with her little cardi.

After working out the kinks, I made another out of a Kaffe Fassett print. I think it's giant Petunias or Hibiscus?

This print is so fun and suits Miss J's personality perfectly. The knit hat came first, then I found a fabric to match

One cardi, and two sun dresses. Essentials for every girls' wardrobe.

dress pattern is Simplicity 1701
hat pattern is a freebie by Just Jussi
Cardigan -- can't remember........

Have a great week end   : )


Needled Mom said...

That is very cute! I love both fabrics.

Karen said...

Adorable! I can not wait for grandbabies to sew for. That is when I started sewing when I made little dresses and vests for my the fabrics!

Fran said...

Really beautiful! Can't believe you managed to find fabric to match the hat, how perfect!

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Oh these are just adorable! I sewed for my daughter when she was a baby... looking forward to grandma sewing some day too.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

awww they are both so cute! The Kaffe print is perfect!

Heather D. said...

Awesome, and it seems like that is a very versatile cardigan too.

Brandie said...

I'd wear it! But I know it will be cuter on a little tot. Too cute!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

wish I had a grandaughter to make a sundress. These are adorable! Did you knit the cute cardi?

Gina said...

darling mix and match outfits!!!

grapes and hearts said...

Oh so lovely! Sometimes I wish I had girls so I could sew for them... but then I might as well wait for my sisters to get me some nieces ("only" nephews so far :o)) Hihi!

Karyn said...

I think that's the best thing about being an aunt too!

The dresses and cardi are so cute!

April said...

So Darling! Ready for Spring. :)

Susan said...

What adorable dresses Carla! You must try to get her modelling the outfit for us!

Carla said...

Oh, wow, Carla. Love them so. What a lucky little girl. You are such a wonderful grandma. I can't wait to do "little makes!"

Marie said...

too cute!

Cath said...

gorgeous. I love the cardi, it really completes those adorable little dresses.
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Sweet . . . of course I especially like the Kaffe dress. Matches perfectly with the cute hat.

Afton Warrick said...

Do you need another granddaughter? What a fashionable grandma you are.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

So sweet! Linda

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Aren't you s lovely grandma!

Kim said...

Too, too adorable!! How lovely does that cardi look with those two cute dresses. I must admit I love the Kaffe Fasset print. I can't wait to be a grandma...but I don't see it in my crystal ball anytime soon!!!

Sewing Mom said...

LOVE! Especially the second, because I have a thing for orange. =) I do not like zippers in clothing, so I select patterns that don't use them...bad, maybe, easier, definitely! =) I think you could almost do a jumper like that with a type of slip button at the top back. That's what I'd do...just to avoid the zipper. Beautiful job, Grandma!

Marie said...

Both outfits are darling, good choices of fabrics and make me wish I had a tiny grand daughter again. One of mine is graduating from UVic this month, Bachelor of Nursing!

cockney blonde said...

Beautiful dresses, love the fabrics and the cardi is very similar to the short sleeved one I've just finished, or the border appears to be similar. As for the hat, how clever to get a matching outfit, x

Cathy said...

so cute! I miss making little sundresses! My little sundress girl is going to be 25 this summer so it has been too long!

Dawn Hughes said...

Adorable Carla, Little Miss J is going to look, Cute As A Button.......

Karen said...

Hi Carla...I tried adjusting my settings...see if you can send an email address is in case it didn't go there in the link

wendyroomcreations said...

Oh you make me wish I had a little girl to dress up. Somehow boys just aren't the same. Miss J will simply adore her summer wardrobe. Philippa xx

Paige said...


quiltmania said...

Wow, she is one spoilt little granddaughter! Everything looks great.

Diane Warburton said...

Miss J is a very lucky girly :-)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Those little dresses are so cute! What a wonderful grandmother you are.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Beyond adorable! The dresses turned out so cute! I hope you let us see her model them along with her sweater and hat!

Carla said...

Love your fabric choices, Carla. You are having so much fun, for sure!

Leanne Parsons said...

They are both gorgeous! I especially love how bright and fun the second one is.

Unknown said...

So perfect! What a lucky granddaughter!!